Pooja Virani
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Hello. I’m Pooja

Dancer. Dreamer. Joy Seeker.


I am a Pain-Free Movement Specialist and Social Justice Consultant on a mission to spread joy, foster equality, and help people reach their highest potential. A former International Development & Nonprofit Management professional, I have always sought to make a difference in the lives of those around me.

I am certified in Yoga & Meditation, Kids’ Yoga, and Acroyoga and have trained with esteemed teachers at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, Partner Acrobatics, Kidding Around Yoga, Yoga International, and Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, among others. I have practiced yoga for over 15 years and taught it all over the world, most recently in Bali, Indonesia.

I specialize in:

  • Rehabilitative Yoga

  • LGBTQ+ and BIPOC Yoga

  • Social Justice Education

Rehabilitative Yoga is a holistic approach to pain management which combines yoga, myofascial release, and functional fitness. I teach you how to effectively stretch, mobilize, and strengthen your joints and stabilizer muscles to improve your form in daily workouts, relieve pain, and prevent injury.

I facilitate Social Justice training for yoga, community organizations, and businesses and lead yoga classes and discussion groups for LGBTQ+ and BIPOC persons. My goal is to make yoga, community, and professional spaces more diverse, inclusive, and equitable.

A lifelong learner and leader, I’ve lived in ten countries, taught at international retreat centers, volunteered for the Peace Corps, hosted a radio show, farmed, taught in rural and urban low-income schools, lived as a nomad, organized a 3,000-attendee conference, and became a CEO of a social enterprise.

I empower others to shine as their strongest, most inspired selves and discover their own paths to inner and outer freedom.


I believe in “Yoga for Everyone”


Before I embarked on yoga teacher training, my partner at the time told me, “Don’t let the other kids intimidate you.” I get it, yoga can be intimidating. Have you ever gone to sweaty classes at the gym where everyone else knows all of the poses, wanted to spend an entire class in Child’s Pose, or seen pictures of bendy people on Instagram and thought “I am never going to get there?” I have too. For years I called myself “the least flexible yogini you’ll ever meet.”

That’s why I teach my classes differently. My goal is to make yoga accessible and inclusive to all people regardless of your age, gender, sexuality, previous experience, or ability. I aim to get you moving, no matter what. Say that you’re inflexible. Great, I can work with that! Moving feels painful? Check out my Rehabilitative Yoga. LGBTQ+ and looking for a safe space to practice? I lead Queer Yoga classes and discussion groups.


We all start somewhere. Why not start this journey with someone who has been there before and who will support you through the challenges and struggles and cheer you on to victories?

I’m here to guide you. I believe that yoga can change your life for the better, just like it changed mine.


Why Students Come to Me


Why do students come to me? Good question.

People seek me out because they’ve realized that they need to workout in a different way. Some are new to yoga, others are yoga, dance, and fitness instructors; some are active and lift weights, do cardio, and workout several times a week, others rarely workout; some never stretch, others stretch all the time but can’t seem to increase their flexibility or mobility. What my students have in common is the feeling that there is something missing or wrong when you exercise. Whether that hurdle is chronic pain or tension, constant anxiety and stress, or not having the guidance and support of an experienced coach, you’re in the right place.


To help you, I draw on a range of experiences:

  • Kripalu Yoga & Meditation

  • Yoga Therapy & Anatomy

  • Functional Fitness / Strength & Conditioning

  • Myofascial Release & Nerve Flossing

  • Life Coaching & Mentoring

  • Acrobatics & Thai Massage

  • Contact Improvisation & Partner Dance

  • Leadership & Business

  • Community Activism

  • Emotional Freedom Tapping


My Journey to Teaching Yoga


Several years ago, I realized that my “dream” international development job was making me miserable. My favorite part of the day was attending a yoga class before or after work. I decided to quit my job and complete my first yoga teacher training at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. That training changed my life.

I had been practicing yoga for over ten years, but it wasn’t until I deeply dived into the practice that I understood how it transcended physical postures and affected mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing.

Yoga is a practice of transformation.

Yoga taught me about the power of authenticity, connection, music, and movement. I began to relate to the world around me in a completely different way - I became confident in my own identity (even when my path diverged from societal expectations), opened myself to vulnerability and the sense of belonging it provided, and found the answers to my search for joy in moving, dancing, singing, hugging, and connecting with other beings.

Like everything worth achieving in life, yoga takes practice and dedication. Yoga took me to Southeast Asia where I traveled for a year with only a carry-on suitcase. It took me to Bali, Indonesia where I lived and breathed yoga. I was able to reflect on the growth I had achieved as a teacher while continuing to deepen my personal practice. 

Now I share my love for yoga, dance, and movement with everyone I meet. We all deserve to take care of our bodies and minds every single day.


“Prayer Warrior”

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An Indian-American, my name is derived from the Sanksrit words Pooja meaning “a prayer ceremony” and Virani meaning “descendant of heroes.” My last name has the same root as Virabhadrasana, the yoga pose known as Warrior 2 in English. Hence my name invokes the ideals of reverence and courage I aim to bring to my yoga teaching. My logo represents my belief in yoga teaching as a loving and healing offering to my students with the ability to reveal each person’s inner strength and wisdom.



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“Pooja’s classes are the best I have ever taken. Her classes are fun, welcoming, and beginner-friendly, and her instruction is clearly backed by years of research and education. Her classes on myofascial release provided some of the most comprehensive instruction I have ever received and helped me reduce a foot pain I had been battling for years. I invited her to offer a [queer yoga] class and it was a hit…part stretching, part discussion group, and part dance party!” - Ilona

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Pooja is simply outstanding. Her weekly offerings never fail to put a smile on my face. There’s something for every mood and for whatever my body is craving. She [is] a cheerful, energetic, and knowledgeable ambassador of yoga, constantly sharing a mixture of encouragement, education, safety, and anatomy…Pooja is always an ambassador for inclusivity and diversity. Differences in age, ability, and body shape, as well as disability are embraced.” - Roy Artal


“Pooja is an inspiring young woman with a deep dedication to her practice and teaching. She passionately studies the science of yoga and has pursued multiple certifications in various styles of yoga. She is strong, thorough, knows her yoga and brings creativity, variety, and commitment to her students. I highly recommend Pooja as a wonderful yoga teacher to learn from and be guided by. Quality of her teaching is 1st class!” - Nelly Lee

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“I absolutely love classes with Pooja. She has incredible expertise in the physical and philosophical aspects of yoga, but she makes you feel like a partner in everything - like you're working through problems together instead of her teaching AT you. She is professional, but also really cool and approachable at the same time. Pooja is also a really strong role model for how to integrate yoga into your life in a sustainable way.” - Amanda Comi


“I am a naturally anxious person. Pooja's classes help me to relax and feel calm after a long day of work. My flexibility and understanding of my own body also increased. I am not a yoga expert. I found Pooja's classes to be accessible for my level. I never felt lost or out of place. Pooja specifically offers yoga classes for the queer community, which makes me feel safe and welcome in her classes.” - Frankie

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“I took Pooja’s workshop on fascia and it was one of the best workshops I have ever taken. She was organized, prepared, and had her timing down but what was wonderful was how it left me feeling so much better. My nagging back achiness disappeared. She had a discernible care for her students and a desire to share her knowledge with us. Thanks for making workshops.” - Nancy